
Prayer in the Spirit of Taizé


In the Spirit of Taizé is an ecumenical (open to all Christians) form of prayer modeled after the Taizé community (an ecumenical Christian monastic community of brothers) founded in the 1940's by Br. Roger in Taizé, France. The purpose of the prayer is to foster reconciliation and peace among all people. Christians of all traditions share in this ecumenical prayer. The simple monthly service consists of song (using the simple chants of the Taizé community), scripture, an extended period of silence for meditation concluding with prayers for the world.


Prayer in the Spirit of Taizé is offered on the following second Fridays of the month:



· See here for future dates.


Prayer around the Cross is celebrated during the March In the Spirit of Taizé. Participants are invited to approach the Cross and make a gesture such as placing their foreheads on it, symbolizing the giving over of our burdens to Christ.


Recordings and Books are available in the United States through GIA Publications.


To learn more about the Taize Commmunity visit: http://www.taize.fr/en